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Applied Mathematics by Dan Simpson


  • Image of Applied Mathematics by Dan Simpson
  • Image of Applied Mathematics by Dan Simpson
  • Image of Applied Mathematics by Dan Simpson
  • Image of Applied Mathematics by Dan Simpson

Maths, science, retro arcade games, and what it feels like to be stood up in a restaurant by an entire poetry society. Dan Simpson considers them all and more in his first collection.

Unlike many a debut poet, Dan has given this collection a thorough stress test on the live circuit, and many of these poems have been commissioned for public projects. Dan is a poet who likes to play around with form. He likes to deconstruct and get a bit meta with the mental algorithms that sit beneath a poem.

The result is an accessible and enjoyable collection of poems for geeks, nerds, and anyone who likes playing with words.

“Quantum poetry at its most precise and powerful”
Joelle Taylor

“Dan Simpson is brilliantly funny and super smart. He’s the kind of guy you take home to your mother. If your mum is really into excellent poetry.”
Anna Freeman

Dan Simpson is a spoken word poet, compère, live literature projects and events organiser, and workshop facilitator. He was Canterbury’s Laureate 2013-14, Poet in Residence at Waterloo Station for Transport for London, Bexley’s poet for Southbank Centre’s London Lines project, and Canterbury’s Roman Museum Poet in Residence.

Dan has performed at both a hen party and a death metal gig, as well as at major festivals, events, and venues around the UK. Appearances include: Glastonbury Festival, The National Theatre, Southbank Centre, Roundhouse, BBC Radio, BBC Edinburgh Slam, Bang Said the Gun, Tongue Fu, Literary Death Match, Hit the Ode, Utter!, and Festival of the Spoken Nerd. He was Larmer Tree Festival’s Lyrical Laureate in 2014.

He co-produces and co-hosts regular spoken word events Stand Up & Slam and The Anti-Slam, and is resident host of The Word House. His poetry has featured on the BBC and London Underground, and in publications from Sidekick Books and Inc. Magazine.

Dan regularly delivers workshops for both adults and young people, working as a Poet Coach on Apples and Snakes’ poetry in education project Spoke ‘n’ Word. He also creates pioneering work with crowdsourced and outdoor poetry, and has done so for organisations such at the Royal Academy of Arts, European Commission, and Beaney Art Museum and Library.

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