Wonderful by Harry Baker

Angry Yellow Woman by Vera Chok

Solastalgia - by Ciarán Hodgers

Dressed As Love by Jess Green

My Achilles by Stanley Iyanu -

I Don't Know What Language I Dream In by Taher Adel

2 Black 2 Furious by Tyrone Lewis

Late Shift At The Pickle Factory by Mary Dickins

Supervillain Origin Story

In Public/In Private by Leyla Josephine

Unashamed by Harry Baker

More Mixed Messages by Mark 'Mr T' Thompson

The Pleasure Dome by Louise Fazackerley

Pantomime Horse, Russian Doll, Egg by Sally Jenkinson

The Trilogy of Surfaces and Invisibilities by Nora Gomringer

Bargain Bin Rom-Com by Leena Norms

(Re)framing the Archive by Panya Banjoko

Priestess of the Powder Puff Experiment by Jackie Juno

My Body Can House Two Hearts by Hanan Issa

The BEST Poetry Book in the World edited by Bridget Hart and Clive Birnie

A Recipe for Sorcery by Vanessa Kisuule

Cherry Pie by Hollie McNish

Fishing in the Aftermath - Poems 1994-2014 by Salena Godden

The Sunshine Kid by Harry Baker