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Priestess of the Powder Puff Experiment by Jackie Juno


  • Image of Priestess of the Powder Puff Experiment by Jackie Juno
  • Image of Priestess of the Powder Puff Experiment by Jackie Juno

'I bloody love Jackie Juno. This half woman, half owl hybrid has feet that merge seamlessly into the roots of ancient trees and internal organs made from equal parts campfires, incense and diesel-soaked Hawkwind riffs. A habitue of almost every counter-cultural fringe you can think of, Jackie has evolved herself a splendidly off-kilter positive wisdom which she wildly radiates through both her presence and her poetry like a Chernobyl for the common good. You will find belly-laugh whimsy in here, for sure; but you will also find poetry of enormous strength, insight and understanding, the learnings of a life lived large distilled into page-bound spells for the benefit of all. The world needs people like this; brilliant bonkers bundles of kindness, creativity, love and rage. I have no idea of her transport arrangements, but I would not be in the least surprised to find that Jackie Juno wears a Viking warrior helmet and rides an absolutely massive motorbike. '
- Jonny Fluffypunk

Priestess of the Powder Puff Experiment has taken four years to create and compile; a distillation of deep self enquiry, bold uncensored rants, hilarious absurdism reflecting modern life’s insanity, and tender moments of beauty inspired by the natural world. Jackie also tackles subjects such as environmental destruction, mental health issues, social injustice, abuse and family.

In turns passionate and confessional, sensitive and poignant, and peppered with her inimitable bold humour, this collection is something to be savoured again and again.

Jackie Juno is a writer, poet and performer living on the edge of Dartmoor, Devon, England. She is a multiple poetry slam winner, including Glastonbury Festival
Slam 2017, and was a contender in the National Poetry Slam finals at the
Albert Hall in 2018. She has been a finalist in many international competitions for her short stories, flash fiction and poetry, including Arvon, Writing Magazine and

She has performed her poetry at two TEDx Talks. She held the title Bard of Exeter 2011-2012 and Grand Bard of Exeter 2012-2019. She teaches creative writing online and in person, and loves inspiring people who think they are not writers and who find that they can indeed create great pieces of work with the right prompts.

She is also lead singer & lyricist with psychedelic rock band The Invisible Opera Company of Tibet. She has a bit of a map fetish, and is so painfully hip that she needs a new one.