All The Days We Don't Revolt by Agnes Török
we have to find ways
to live in the world
while we are
changing it
How do you get out of bed and pay the bills and fall in love and over-water the pot plants – all while the revolt needs you?
With care and creativity, hope and hilarity, exhaustion and empathy, Agnes Török’s award-winning poetry speaks about queer community-making, collective change and joyful resistance.
This is a book about how we care for ourselves and each other, all while fighting to make the world a better place.
--Agnes Török is an award-winning queer and genderfluid poet, TED speaker and author. Their work moves in between art and activism. Török has produced poetry in collaboration with several large organisations and campaigns for change, as well as established cultural institutions such as Roundhouse Theatre and the BBC.
Török has toured on four continents and written books in two languages about mental health, gender-based violence, the rise of the extreme right, and feminist and queer resistance movements.
Török lives in Stockholm, Sweden, with their communities and pot plants. Their supporters and collaborators live around the world.
See also...
We Need to Talk
Happiness is an Art Form