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The Twat in the Flat by Geoff Alnutt


  • Image of The Twat in the Flat by Geoff Alnutt

Twat is the Flat is an anarchic reimagining of Dr Seuss's Cat in the Hat. Deploying an alternative narrative to create an uproarious illustrated book for adults. Part parody, part homage, Twat in the Flat has all the off beat humour of the original, but you will probably not be reading it to your children at bedtime!

Geoff Allnutt is a long-standing writer and performer. He has been part of influential spoken word collectives such as The Speech Painter and Atomic Lip. With an impressive portfolio of material behind him ranging from the strangely comic to the deadly serious he is an electric and unmissable performer. Geoff has appeared on stages across the UK including Glastonbury Festival and has now written his first parody-poetry book Twat in the Flat.
