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GOD SAVE THE TEEN by Andrew Graves


  • Image of GOD SAVE THE TEEN by Andrew Graves

God Save The Teen takes us through the side streets of modern Britain, finding love and loss within the fractured estates and beleaguered communities and pays homage to the likes of Johnny Cash, Alan Moore and Nottingham’s own Brian Clough in a slide tackling style of poetry, which is all the writers own. There is an honesty here, a heart on sleeve, soul searching rhythm which is never more apparent than in his acclaimed one person show, which sits at the centre of this brutal, sometimes funny, always emotional collection.
Partly hopeful, partly nostalgic it’s a gritty, chaotic and curious rhetoric, perfectly in keeping with the post-Brexit, uneasy atmosphere of an increasingly out of control, faltering modernity.

‘Poems writ on the cover of ‘That’s Entertainment’, Airfix painted onto the back of a parka, tattooed with biro ink whilst bunking off. All of this and less and more.’
Tim Wells